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Mathematics for Game Creators

Koen Samyn

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€ 37,50 incl. btw

Mathematics for Game Creators. Trigonometry, vectors and matrices will cover the essential math principles and focus on the application in game engines and 3D editors.

The author takes off by refreshing trigonometry fundamentals and elementary functions, to use them as a sound foundation to understand vectors. After a passage through aspects of and operations on vectors, already their dot and cross products enable a basic outline of lighting programming.

Finally a sound initiation in kinematics and dynamics makes you knowledgeable in handling physics engines.

Een woordje van de auteur
“During my years as Program Coordinator Game Development of the award winning Digital Arts and Entertainment study program, I started to sense a great need for a mathematics book for our students. Some of them seem to underestimate the importance of mathematics in game development. It’s a pity to see students drop out of the program because of this, because we see a great deal of enthusiasm in them, as they are eager to embark on a journey to become a game developer, modeler, visual effects specialist or animator.”
- Koen Samyn

Artikelnummer 606648
ISBN 978-94-647-0659-8
Verschijningsvorm Handboek
Onderwijstype Hoger onderwijs
Voorraad In voorbereiding
Vak Wiskunde
Merk VI676
Leerjaren Niet van toepassing
Methode DBMGC

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