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Corporate accounting 2021

Vicky Ghijselinck - Liesbeth Bruynseels - Jo Van den Bossche -
Mario Dekeyser

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€ 44,26 incl. btw

Corporate accounting deals with the accounting treatment of a company’s most important financing methods (the incorporation of a company, changes to the contributions and the bond loan), using realistic situations and examples. Theme files on tax law, profit appropriation in companies and the financial reporting obligations for companies are also included.

The text always contains the relevant provisions in corporate law, accountancy law and tax law. Furthermore, the whole text is supported by documents (examplary articles of association for the public limited liability company (NV) and the private limited liability company (BV), the financial plan, redemption tables, the financial statements …), but stripped of all unnecessary frills, so that the reader understands the content and can apply it in practice.

The book is therefore intended for all those involved with companies, both in education and in practice.

Artikelnummer 597029
ISBN 978-90-306-9875-3
Verschijningsvorm Handboek
Onderwijstype Hoger onderwijs
Voorraad In voorraad
Vak Accountancy
Merk Corporate accounting
Leerjaren Niet van toepassing
Methode Corporate accounting

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